Mindy Zhou Dossett

Data Scientist | Data Engineer

Solving problems using data, programming, and AI.

A Collaborative Filtering Movie Recommender in Java

Introduction Collaborative filtering is one of the most popular recommendation engine algorithms for suggesting new products t...

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Gentle Introduction to A Fully Connected Neural Network

Deep learning has become increasingly popular thanks to increased availability of computational power and large volumes of labe...

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Deploy Machine Learning Models using AWS Lambda and API gateway

Today we will talk about how to deploy a Python machine learning model using AWS lambda with lambda layers and API gateway. The...

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Deploy Machine Learning Models in AWS EC2

Although I am a big believer of serverless architecture, EC2 instances sometimes may be an easier option for deploying complica...

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Common Methods for Tackling Imbalanced Datasets

One of the common machine learning classification challenges we face is an imbalanced data set. It can happen for binary and mu...

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Deploying Car Price Model

This post deploys a car price prediction Flask app using an ensemble of a deep learning regressor with categorical embeddings a...

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StopWords and Lexicon Normalization for Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment analysis aids in understanding human behavior for national security, political campaigns, and scientific research. It...

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Transfer Learning for Social Media Marketing

Generally speaking, an average Instagram advertisement costs around $0.50 to $1 per click. In more competitive fields such as t...

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